Saturday, October 2, 2010


            For my upcoming project I am doing it on the topic of involvement. The reason that I have chose to do it on involvement is that in college or any different environment is crucial. I say this because everyone thinks that involvement is so important but what exactly is it? To some people being involved means just going to class and talking to people. Some people may see involvement as joining a sports team or even a club. I see it as making friends and stepping outside of your comfort zone. It is unfair to say everyone has to join a club, what about people who have jobs? I believe people need to step out of their comfort zone to be involved in something. This is exactly why I am doing my project on this subject solely for the fact is that there are so many ways to be involved. My project will be able to show this by asking people what being involved means to the people. I want to interview different people so that we can get different answers on what people see as involvment.

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