Saturday, October 16, 2010

Being bored

              People try to tell me that being bored is indeed beneficial. I do not believe this at all because in these days who even has he time to be bored? I know for a fact that I don't, I am at school from Monday through Thursday then Thursday afternoon I leave SCSU's campus to go to work for the weekend and I work ALL weekend. Why? because these days there are two things that people are after in life and those two things are higher education and money. Honestly it is no different for me I want a college education because it is something that everyone needs and I work all weekend because I need the money just like everyone else. With this economy and the competitiveness if this life in general higher education is a necessity and frankly there is just no time to be bored. If you are bored then you are truly doing something wrong because no matter what for me there is always something to do whether it is school, studying, homework or one of my jobs there is just no time for me to be bored. I believe it is the same for everyone who works and has to go to school, people think that college kids are crazy partier's but in reality we are just hard working people.

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