Saturday, October 9, 2010

Business man


               Ever since I was really young one thing has always been my interest throughout my whole life. This is interest of mine is cars. Okay, I know what you readers are thinking, What does that have to do with the  business program in college? Well in the past years of me driving i have developed an interest how cars run and the engines, suspension and braking of cars so I began and still to this day work on cars. So where does the business come in? Well one day I hope to become "white glove certified" this means being a mechanic for strictly only one brand of cars. Only a few brands of cars offer this type of certification these brands are Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi. I hope to one day be able to do this and learn a lot about the brand of car that I am working for. Doing this is very good amount of money and a very good living and a lot of work. How ever I know you are still asking the question, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH A BUSINESS DEGREE!? Okay, well after one day when I have learned enough about the car business I hope to own my own dealership. I hope to take my knowledge from the business and automotive world and put it to use. I have met quite a few owners of car dealerships and all of them at one point have been mechanics and all of them have said that they wish when they were first starting out owning the dealership that they had taken some sort of business class instead of struggling through the business world or paying someone a lot of money to figure it out for them.


Audi Turbo Charger                                                               V8 BMW M5 Engine

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