Saturday, October 30, 2010


            For me i was actually pretty happy with my midterm grades i think for the most part i am right where i want to be. All my grades are pretty much what I was expecting to see. I am pretty much happy for all my grades except for my art history class that class is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I really need to get my grades up in that class by studying more and reading more of our assigned readings. For the most part besides my art history class i say that all my hard work has paid off very well.
                To step outside of my comfort zone I attended and participated in a discussion at the student center about alcohol. The way that this is stepping outside of my comfort is because I am terrified of participating in a huge group of people for some reason. All my life I have just not been able to do this, just the idea of any type of public speaking makes me very nervous. At this discussion however I put all my fears aside and was able to actively participate in this discussion.  The main person in charge was a guy from Columbia University in New York. He spoke of all the stages of being intoxicated and asked questions that we had to answer. Even though I am petrified of public speaking I was able to answer the questions that he had and even was able to hold a conversation and ask my own questions to him. I say that even though it does not sound like anything huge I definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone.  

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peer Mentor

            Recently in my inquiry class we had an upper class men from our school pretty much come in and help us figure out who we are and what we want to do with our lives or what we want to do in general. I think that this is a really good program because a lot of college kids come in not knowing at all what they want to do but all they do know is that they're parents want them to go to college. I and a good percentage of freshman and sophomore's are in this same situation so having an upper level student come and talk to us telling us what they struggled through and how they found out what they wanted to do with they're lives. I think that this a great thing to do because I know sometimes I feel lost like i have no clue what I am going to do with my life or the work load that i have but knowing that my peer mentor went through the same thing so I know that I am not the only one who is going through struggles.

Peer Mentor

            Recently in my inquiry class we had an upper class men from our school pretty much come in and help us figure out who we are and what we want to do with our lives or what we want to do in general. I think that this is a really good program because a lot of college kids come in not knowing at all what they want to do but all they do know is that they're parents want them to go to college. I and a good percentage of freshman and sophomore's are in this same situation so having an upper level student come and talk to us telling us what they struggled through and how they found out what they wanted to do with they're lives. I think that this a great thing to do because I know sometimes I feel lost like i have no clue what I am going to do with my life or the work load that i have but knowing that my peer mentor went through the same thing so I know that I am not the only one who is going through struggles.

Being bored

              People try to tell me that being bored is indeed beneficial. I do not believe this at all because in these days who even has he time to be bored? I know for a fact that I don't, I am at school from Monday through Thursday then Thursday afternoon I leave SCSU's campus to go to work for the weekend and I work ALL weekend. Why? because these days there are two things that people are after in life and those two things are higher education and money. Honestly it is no different for me I want a college education because it is something that everyone needs and I work all weekend because I need the money just like everyone else. With this economy and the competitiveness if this life in general higher education is a necessity and frankly there is just no time to be bored. If you are bored then you are truly doing something wrong because no matter what for me there is always something to do whether it is school, studying, homework or one of my jobs there is just no time for me to be bored. I believe it is the same for everyone who works and has to go to school, people think that college kids are crazy partier's but in reality we are just hard working people.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Business man


               Ever since I was really young one thing has always been my interest throughout my whole life. This is interest of mine is cars. Okay, I know what you readers are thinking, What does that have to do with the  business program in college? Well in the past years of me driving i have developed an interest how cars run and the engines, suspension and braking of cars so I began and still to this day work on cars. So where does the business come in? Well one day I hope to become "white glove certified" this means being a mechanic for strictly only one brand of cars. Only a few brands of cars offer this type of certification these brands are Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi. I hope to one day be able to do this and learn a lot about the brand of car that I am working for. Doing this is very good amount of money and a very good living and a lot of work. How ever I know you are still asking the question, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH A BUSINESS DEGREE!? Okay, well after one day when I have learned enough about the car business I hope to own my own dealership. I hope to take my knowledge from the business and automotive world and put it to use. I have met quite a few owners of car dealerships and all of them at one point have been mechanics and all of them have said that they wish when they were first starting out owning the dealership that they had taken some sort of business class instead of struggling through the business world or paying someone a lot of money to figure it out for them.


Audi Turbo Charger                                                               V8 BMW M5 Engine

Blogging for Dummies


  As a contributer to the blogging world i must that blogging is not as bad as i thought it was going to be. Simply because the only way to be good at blogging is that you must state how you feel and your true thoughts on something your interested in. Contrary to belief that writing is boring I have found that when writing about something your interested in or on a topic you have a strong opinion on, the words just start to flow and your already finished and if you really had to you could probably write more. I believe that in order to make a good blog you must relate what ever it is that you are blogging about you must make it personal to yourself. For instants if you are blogging about something like cooking talk about your favorite food or maybe even something that you like to cook. It is very easy to make yourself interested in something you must just relate to it. This is why I say blogging is easy, you must just find yourself in every thing you blog about, because we all know talking about ourselves is really easy. Thats how I blog I relate to the topics that i am writing about

Saturday, October 2, 2010


            For my upcoming project I am doing it on the topic of involvement. The reason that I have chose to do it on involvement is that in college or any different environment is crucial. I say this because everyone thinks that involvement is so important but what exactly is it? To some people being involved means just going to class and talking to people. Some people may see involvement as joining a sports team or even a club. I see it as making friends and stepping outside of your comfort zone. It is unfair to say everyone has to join a club, what about people who have jobs? I believe people need to step out of their comfort zone to be involved in something. This is exactly why I am doing my project on this subject solely for the fact is that there are so many ways to be involved. My project will be able to show this by asking people what being involved means to the people. I want to interview different people so that we can get different answers on what people see as involvment.


            For my upcoming project I am doing it on the topic of involvement. The reason that I have chose to do it on involvement is that in college or any different environment is crucial. I say this because everyone thinks that involvement is so important but what exactly is it? To some people being involved means just going to class and talking to people. Some people may see involvement as joining a sports team or even a club. I see it as making friends and stepping outside of your comfort zone. It is unfair to say everyone has to join a club, what about people who have jobs? I believe people need to step out of their comfort zone to be involved in something. This is exactly why I am doing my project on this subject solely for the fact is that there are so many ways to be involved. My project will be able to show this by asking people what being involved means to the people. I want to interview different people so that we can get different answers on what people see as involvment.

College Humor

                             About a week ago I experienced something truly wonderful and amazing it is called the College humor tour. This was a tour of 3 comedians who talked about college life and poked fun at the flaws of college and everything else. I must say I went into thinking how possibly funny could a free show be. I was very surprised about how funny it was. I laughed literally the whole time I was there. The three comedians were these guys named Jake, Admire and this guy named Skeeter. Jake and Admire did the beginning of the show and started with what they show was going to be about and even the beginning was hilarious. After the introduction with Jake and Admire this guy named Skeeter came on stage and he is the one who did the main show. Skeeter talked about everything from getting fat to bad tattoos. He also he included people from the crowed to come onstage to  help in his comedy.  Also at  the end of the show they had questions for people to answer to win prizes. I must say if I had to rate this show on a scale of one to ten I would definitely give it a ten