Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time management response

   For me the time management articles seemed way to over thought the fact that people put that much time into planning there day every day seems far to tedious for me. Why? you may ask, simply I can put it that peoples lives should not be one giant agenda. When you are sitting down on a Sunday night or a Monday morning at you kitchen table with you little schedule pad going "Hmm I wonder when I would like to schedule in time to eat dinner with my family, or spend time with my family" I believe that gets unhealthy. People should not have to "schedule" free time for themselves or it is not truly free time. People today depend on their schedules far to much to enjoy life. Some people will go day to day doing only what their schedule says. Can someone please explain to me why this generation of adults run around like robots doing only what is written in their agendas.
          For me my time management depends on that of priorities and discipline. How? very easy all you have to do is make everything a priorities and rate it on its importance to you. Tomorrow there is a huge math final and you know you absolutely have to study. That is easy you know studying comes first and that you should let nothing get in the way of that. Then after that your brother needs help with his homework you promised him that you'd help him the night before. So what do you do? you study for yourself then you help him. Not to say that studying for math is more important than your brother it is just that your priorities are to study for your math final first. After that you get to the things that you believe are less important like playing X box or sitting on Simply we should not have to run around like a society of robots who can't do anything without their schedules we should just learn to discipline ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I like your formule: priorities and discipline -- these are two terms you could explore furhter in your next project.
