Friday, September 17, 2010

Outcasts united

            The book outcasts united by Warren St. John is about a soccer team of refugees from Africa to the Middle East. This is not a professional soccer team that the author was writing about he was writing about a little league soccer team. Okay I know what you are thinking, how interesting can a story be about kids who are some little soccer team. Well this isn't some little soccer team, this is a soccer team that is discriminated against in Clarkston, Georgia a "football town". The coach who is a women named Luma who has been through a lot in her life does not want to want to let the town start to treat these players who have come through so much like nothing at all.  In this book it goes through each of the children players lives, where they came from and what life for them was like at home. Not only did this story go through the lives of the players but the coach Luma and all of her trials and tribulations. It starts out with Luma in her home country of Jordan where she played soccer and was a very happy young school goer. She began studying in the United States with intent to return home until she decided to stay in the united states and was then disowned by her parents. She started the soccer team the fugees which was a team of children who grew up like her. The team went through a lot and were forced to play and practice at different places because the mayor of the town did not want soccer to be a sport played in his town. So through this book it is the team struggling to be recognized for what they are.

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