Friday, September 10, 2010

Struggles in college

               What are my roommates going to be like? Are they going to be weird, creeps or crazy partiers!? How much work am I going to get? Am I going to make friends? All worries of the college freshman, I believe it is very normal to feel like this. To be worried about how your new stage in life is going to be is very nerve racking. However for me in my first week of college none of the things that I was worried about ended up being my struggle. In my first week of college my biggest struggle ended up being concentration, As expected my first week of college brought a work load for me. Not like in high school where you can expect absolutely no homework for about the first few weeks. College jumped right into the work without hesitation, I was completely ready for this. The thing that I was not ready for was the constant distractions of literally everything. In my dorm I tried to do my thirty page reading assignment for my history class. As I was reading just about everything seemed way more interesting to me except the task at hand.  I was just not used to this, in high school I was just used to locking myself in my well lit room with absolutely no distractions and get my work done. In this college atmosphere I could tell that it was going to be quite a struggle just to be able to concentrate let alone getting the work done. My lack of concentration was nobodies fault except for my own. I would talk to my roommates, see what people were doing in the common room and listen to the song that the kid from four doors away was blasting.
             I tried to think to myself what I could do in order to get my work done and actually be able to comprehend my reading. This was not going to be easy, I tried going to the library surprisingly enough still too much going on for my short attention span. I tried reading in a quiet common room when it was empty. Nope, this was not going to work every time the elevator made a ding I would lose track of where I was in my reading. Finally I found that sweet spot, I was in my quiet dorm at my desk with my history text book and my history notebook. I waited till my dorm was quiet and my roommates were doing there homework because that may be one thing that is more boring than homework, homework that other people are doing. At this point I was able to work quite affectively. I read and every paragraph I finished I took notes on and wrote down the main idea. This was great being able to concentrate in fairly new place was a success my one and only struggle was over come. All of my college worries ended up being nothing, my roommates are just two normal guys, I am making plenty of freinds and the work load is exactly what I expected

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