Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chicken cutlets

            My favorite food in the whole world has to be my grandmothers chicken cutlets. They are very basic to make and taste so good! My grandparents taught me how to cook when i was only nine years old. In this blog post I will tell you how to make really good chicken cutlets. There are only a few things you need

1. Chicken breast (obviously)
2. A meat tenderizer
3. 4 eggs
5. Flour
6. Bread crumbs (preferably make you own bread crumbs but store bought is fine too)
7. 3 medium sized bowls.
8. large deep frying pan ( any deep pot will work)
9. 1 measured cup of extra virgin olive oil

Okay, now that you have all of your ingredients ready you can begin to prep your cutlets. First thing you want to do is on a SANITARY surface you want to put the chicken breast down and begin to tenderize it. You do this by hitting it until it is almost flat and looks like a waffle. After this you want to do this to multiple pieces of chicken so they all look the same. Once tenderizing is done you want to set out your bowls, fill one with 4 cracked eggs, one with flour and the other with the breadcrumbs. Once that is set you want to stir the eggs around in the bowl until it is completely yellow. Okay, now comes the fun part. Soak one chicken breast at a time in the egg yolk once it is covered dip it in the flour and next the bread crumbs. When you do this make sure to stack the raw cutlets on top of each other not side by side because they will begin to dry and lose flour and bread crumb. After you have all your raw cutlets stacked pour your cup of olive oil into your pan and bring the oil to light simmer. Once you hear the oil popping and cooking you are good to put the raw cutlets into the hot oil (BE CAREFUL NOT TO DROP THEM IN OIL SPLASHES AND IT HURTS). Begin to cook and eye the olive oil as you cook to make sure that it is not getting to low, feel free to add more if  you begin to lose oil. Cooking is the tricky part because you cannot take your eyes off the cutlets while they are cooking for more than a few seconds. Eye the the side of the cutlet that is cooking once it is a golden brownish color flip it so it cooks on the side. Once both sides are a golden brown you have yourself a chicken cutlet.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Follow the Leader

            The one time i had to really step up to the plate and be a leader was when i had to stay home and watch my brothers a few weekends ago. My brothers are old enough to watch themselves at night they are 16 and 9 and they are very mature people. One weekend my parents had to go away a for a wedding and when i was not home my 16 year old brother Evan was home watching Will my 9 year old brother. One night i had plans with my friends and i was going to leave. When i was leaving i saw Will struggling with his math homework. I sat down with him to see what he was having trouble with and it turned out that he did not get his math homework. I sat down with my brother and I saw he was having serious problems with his math ans numbers. I knew that this was going to take a while and i knew i had to step up as an older brother so what i did was is i went over math and borrowing from numbers to make him understand. I called my friend and told him that i could not hang out till later. This is how i stepped up as a leader.

Difficult situation

            During this semester the most difficult time that I have had was definitely preparing for midterms. The only reason i say this is because i did not know what a college midterm would be like. I did not know what to expect from these tests so the next night i studied very hard for my first midterm which was art history. I went and took the test and it was a lot easier than i had expected so my mind thought "oh maybe college midterms are not that hard". So this lead to me the following night to believe that there was nothing to worry about for my history exam even though a passed with a high grade on that exam it required to much trying to remember things from class so that is when i know that i did not study enough. So what i did to prevent this from ever happening again i just always study to my max till i know that i am done. I make sure to study a good amount not to much and not to little. this is exactly what i did to solve my dilemma that i was having with my college midterm study issues.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Intellectual Stimulation

             The class where I feel the most intellectual stimulation is honestly my history class. In my history class we talk about American history starting from the reconstruction after the civil war. In this class I feel the most intellectual stimulation because I am able to see the way that our society was directly effected from past happenings. I have always found any type of history very interesting because you can see how society is effected today and you can see history repeating itself. People like to argue " where is history ever going to get us" history is a very important thing to learn because you are learning about the place where you come from or a place that has directly effected the place where you come from. Not only that but it is proven that history classes work a part of the mind that nothing else can exercise and it is very important to exercise these parts of the brain because they control how a person is able to memorize things. My history class brings me a to a deeper thinking,  thinking about how things could have been prevented, how they could have been changed and how things are different in today's society.

Favorite place to study

               On southerns campus I can honestly say that I do not have a favorite place to study. Reason being I like to study at night so that really limits me to the library and my room both are not really that great for me because I do not like studying in the library and my hall at school is very loud I do have a favorite place to study on the weekends though. My favorite place to study is actually at my girlfriend’s house at her kitchen table. There are actually a few reasons why I enjoy studying at this place. My first reason for enjoying studying here is usually when I am there doing work most likely everyone else in the house is doing some sort of work also. Her parents are always working on something for their jobs and it is very quiet atmosphere with very little distractions. This was my favorite place to do work or study when I was in high school. In my house I have two younger brothers who refuse to get along a mother play referee and a father who speaks very loud. Even though it is not impossible to study at my house and libraries are very good too but just for some reason this place is just the best place to study for me. I am naturally just a very distracted person so this is how I know that this is a truly distraction free place. I can sit there for hours and just study and study until I am comfortable in knowing that I will do well on a certain test or when I am done with a certain homework assignment. In high school this was almost like my library to go to and study.

Favorite place to study

                My favorite place to study is actually at my girlfriend’s house at her kitchen table. There are actually a few reasons why I enjoy studying at this place. My first reason for enjoying studying here is usually when I am there doing work most likely everyone else in the house is doing some sort of work also. Her parents are always working on something for their jobs and it is very quiet atmosphere with very little distractions. This was my favorite place to do work or study when I was in high school. In my house I have two younger brothers who refuse to get along a mother play referee and a father who speaks very loud. Even though it is not impossible to study at my house and libraries are very good too but just for some reason this place is just the best place to study for me. I am naturally just a very distracted person so this is how I know that this is a truly distraction free place. I can sit there for hours and just study and study until I am comfortable in knowing that I will do well on a certain test or when I am done with a certain homework assignment. In high school this was almost like my library to go to and study.