Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College to me and setting the tone

What is college to me? The meaning of college for has changed in the past few days. Before a came here and even during my orientation college to me was this big scary thing. College to me at first seemed like a place where you would come on your first day and get assinged a twenty page paper on your first day of class. College to me at first was a place where you come and live with two total strangers and pray that you don't end rooming with total slobs or just someone completely insane. However now college to me is a very different place, it became a very different place in just a few short days. Right now college is place where you come to bring your learning to whole new level. You come here to step outside of your comfort zone to make yourself a better person and to build character. That is what college is to me right now, it is a place where you take your learning to the next level and where you come to make yourself a better person. Going to college accomplishes many things things that can help in your future and during the present. We all know that going to college leads to better jobs and higher pay, but what can it do for you in the present? College helps you step out of your comfort zone thus leading you to become a more outgoing person. If you are a very shy person in college you may realize when you go somewhere and know very few people that you have nothing to lose and come out of your shell and start being very social. In the present College can also help prioritize, in college nobody is there to tell you when its homework time or when its ok to watch television. In college you don't even have someone to yell at you to stop getting side tracked and stop procrastinating. College is all about self reliance and this is a big help because that is all you have when you are in the work world you have yourself to rely on. At Southern Connecticut State University there are many things here you can do to make yourself a better person besides taking classes. There are so many things to join in this school from sports to clubs. Southern Connecticut offers numerous clubs for people with various interests. All these things can help one come out of there shell and become a more social person. Some Goals that I have for myself are to get the highest grades possible in all my classes also to never stop working hard. I hope to also make a lot of new friends in my time at SCSU.

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