Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The five words to define me

As I sit here on this very hot august day in my sauna of a dorm room I can not help but ponder to myself if had to choose five words to define myself what would I pick? After a large amounting of thinking and pacing back and forth in my room I was able to decide on five words. The first word I would have to say is cordial, this word relates to me because of the way that I am very out going to meet and talk to people. I am able to strike up a conversation with people I have just met. Another word that I can use to define myself is listener. This relates to me because I am a very good listener. I am able to listen to people and recite everything back to me that was just said to me. I am also able to process what is said to me very quickly. Apprehensive is another word I would use to describe myself. The reason that I use this is that in front of big crowds of people that I must speak in front of I suffer from a little bit of stage fright. I am unable to to talk to big crowds of people such as you would see at some sort of presentation and still remember what it was that I was supposed to say. The fourth word that I would use to define myself is assiduous. I say this because i am very hard worker whether it is for school or even my one of my jobs. I have had a job since I was of legal age to do so I attended a private high school that I helped pay my way through with all of the hours of work that I put in a week and I am currently working on helping put myself through college.  The last word that I have chosen for myself is reliable, as any of my bosses can tell you I am an extremely dependable person I have been working for the past four years now and I have never called out a day of work in my life. Also as any past teachers can tell you when ever I work with groups in class my part of the work is always done on time and it is done right. These are the words that I choose to best represent me.

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